Full Face Halo + BBL Forever Young Full Face, Neck and Chest for $1650 reg $2700. Until Oct 31st.

COVID 19 Safety Plan

Raw Canvas Skin Bar COVID-19 Safety Plan 

Physical Distancing:

Facility will post our physical distancing guidelines at the front door.

Clients will enter the studio and an appointed individual (Patient Coordinator - Bailey Frey) will oversee the exit of clients and indicate when the next client can enter.

Clients will arrive and leave at designated appointment times only, clients will be notified via email and text message of their appointment time. Clients are not to arrive early, if early please wait in your car until your appointment time. 

Studio capacity will be temporarily reduced to be able to safely accommodate clients using the appropriate distancing. The maximum number of occupants in our studio will be one patient, one skin technician and two front end patient coordinators. 

Changes to Administration / Procedure:

All staff working in the facility (Bailey Frey and Sarah Henderson) will complete and sign a simple one-time health check declaration form that states that they agree not to come to work if:

  • They have any symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, cough, shortness of breath; or
  • They have been in contact with COVID-19; or
  • They have travelled recently and are currently subject to a 14-day period of self-isolation.

All staff will have a pre-shift health check in the form of mandatory temperature checks. All instances of staff  or client reporting feeling unwell should be logged for future reference if needed for contact tracing purposes. Any client feeling unwell will be asked to stay home, and the no-show fee will be waived. Studio will post a sign on the entry doors to inform clients that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 can be turned away. All staff have the right to refuse service to a client, should they display signs of illness.

Cleaning and Sanitizing: 

All staff/members are encouraged to wear PPE (mask and gloves) while in the facility or

interacting with clients.

Our aestheticians performing services are mandatory to wear a mask where clients have to remove masks for specific services. 

Sanitizing station is placed at our front desk after arrival through the front door. Prior to entering clients are asked to disinfect their hands prior to entering the treatment room. 

Facility will use only approved cleaning methods for all surfaces and equipment. Cleaning products and methods used must be certified by Health Canada or the British Columbia Ministry of Health.

Cleaning products that are used in the studio as well as masks worn by all staff members are as following:

  1. We use Sol-M Level II ear loop face masks # 348-SMSK001-BX for all our staff 
  2. For all surfaces within the studio we disinfect with  Accel Prevention & Intervention disinfecting wipes

Cleaning & Sanitizing Procedure (between each clients appointments):

  1. Skin technicians disinfect their hands.
  2. Skin technician wipes down all equipment in the treatment room, using approved disinfectant and single use wipes. 
  3. Wipes are discarded in the garbage in the treatment room. 
  4. Skin technician sets up equipment for the next client.