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Dry Skin? Or Dehydrated?

We all know the importance of staying hydrated during the hot summer months, however for many of us our water intake declines over fall and winter- or if your like my Creative Director Nicole you simply just don't drink water period (sorry Nic). 
There are less visible reminders to ensure you drink water, and you are less likely to feel thirst in the cooler weather than you would during hot summer days. However, it is even more important to drink lots of water during winter than it is during summer. 
Drinking more water may not be a cure for dry skin, but it’s a suggestion that can certainly help. For many, dry skin is a seasonal issue—usually, winter brings on more cases of dry skin than any other season for a variety of reasons:
  • Skin tends to be driest in winter when temperatures and humidity levels plummet. But the season may not matter as much if you live in desert regions.
  • Hot baths and showers. Winter tends to bring on more long, hot showers or baths that can dry your skin.
  • Cold temperatures outside lead us to seek warmer temperatures inside. Central heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters, and fireplaces all reduce humidity and dry your skin.
Here are some key reasons why you should up your water intake to stay healthy and hydrated over the winter months.
1. Fight Winter Dehydration
As the weather cools, we find ourselves wrapping up in more layers and turning on the heat. This artificially warm environment is coupled with the dry air of artificial heating which leads to winter dehydration. Winter dehydration is harder to notice – particularly if you are not sweating and you are feeling cool.
You may not have realized that you haven’t drunk any water during the day, particularly as your body’s thirst response significantly diminishes in cooler weather. However, dehydration can cause significant impacts to your well-being. It is vital you keep hydrated to regulate your body temperature, allowing your blood to carry important nutrients and oxygen around your body and remove toxins from your body. 
During winter your body loses moisture in other ways, such as the water vapour you see from your mouth and nose when you are outside in cold weather, this may not be as noticeable as a key summer sweating indicator but should not be ignored nonetheless.
Remember, just because you’re not thirsty doesn’t mean that your body is hydrated.
2. Improve Your Skin
The dry and often stagnant air created from central heating can really take its toll on your skin. The dry air and the contrast between being in a warm room to going outside in the cold can cause your skin to crack and chap. Water is vital in keeping your skin cells full and hydrated ( not to mention plump), reducing the risk of chapping and peeling.
Water also removes impurities in your body, which, when not well-hydrated, can come through via your pores, causing blemishes. Your skin is made up of cells. And skin cells, like any other cell in the body, are made up of water. Without water, the organs will certainly not function properly or at their best. If your skin is not getting a sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will present itself by turning your skin dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling. That’s pretty simple math, isn’t it? Drink more water, have less dry skin.
Dull skin is another winter problem with the combination of dry air and a lack of hydration. Keep your skin glowing by drinking water at regular intervals, despite the fact you may not feel thirsty. 
Drink More Water. Love your skin from within.

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